
We attach great importance to your satisfaction with our service. If you have a complaint, we will make every possible effort to resolve it.

How to file a complaint

You can file a complaint to the responsible officer at Qualion. For the complaint procedure, please click on the following hyperlink: /nl/complaints.


The European Markets in Financial Instruments Directive 2 (MiFID II) became effective on 3 January 2018. You can find relevant information in the document below.

Do you need more information about Qualion’s compliance with MiFID?Download the document.

Investment instruments

Please download the document for information about the investment instruments.

Legal documents available on request

The following documents are also available on request from Qualion Finance S.A.:

  • Conflict of Interest Policy
  • Best Execution Policy
  • Remuneration Policy
  • GDPR Policy

Download RTS 28 - 2023.

You can request the relevant documents by sending an email to